Control system of GSM-R network repeater powered from photovoltaic panels
- Country: Czech Republic
- Name: Control system of GSM-R network repeater powered from photovoltaic panels. Customer: SŽDC (Správa železniční dopravní cesty)
- Implemented by: Kapsch s.r.o.
- Date: 2011
- Control system: Foxtrot CP-1005
- Software: Mosaic, WEB maker
Company Kapsch is a supplier of technology for base stations of mobile GSM-R network for Railway administration company. For each station Kapsch supplies standardized remote monitoring station staffed with Foxtrot.
On the track of Second National Railway Corridor, the GSM network was supplemented with a unique element. It is a repeater, which is powered by energy derived from photovoltaic panels. There is again Tecomat Foxtrot there, as it is at the other base stations, but with a little different function.